Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Little Notes Tuesday

Dear Husband,
Thank you for always feet cuddling with me...every night!

Dear Legs,
Sorry I abused you so much yesterday, however Thank you for running 3 miles still today.

Dear Les,
I am trying to come to terms with our differences once again. I just worry you are selling yourself short on certain life experiences that only happen once.

Dear Boobies,
Why do you seem to be the only place losing fat? Why?

Dear House,
If you decided to finish all the work magically while we were at work...I would not mind...just saying.

Dear Bills,
Stop coming...forever! Thank you!

Dear Thighs,
Please learn from the boobies...you can stand some fat loss...just saying!

Dear Future Little Reeves,
Please come in a timely fashion when the time comes. Thank you ahead of time:)

Dear Tuesday Dec. 8th,
You have been a great day...please continue!

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