Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mexico Wedding Planners....AHHHHHHHHHH

Ok, to this date I have tried to work with four different wedding planners. The last one was an event planner for the resort we will be staying at. She was great. They had wonderful prices and she would answer your questions in a timely manner. THEN SHE GOT A PROMOTION! :( I am happy for her cause she was really great at her job and she deserves it….but can I throw a little selfish fit and say….”HEY WHAT ABOUT MY WEDDING???” Ok I am done. So they replaced her with a new person.

This person doesn’t seem to know that it is really not appropriate to take a month to answer a simple yes or no question. I simply asked if there resort has a sound system for the beach or if I would need to find one to rent? I really think that this type of question should be able to get an answer within a week? Maybe I am too impatient, but seriously a month?!? What happens when I ask her the cake flavor choices? Will that take two or three months? Wow, I though I was ahead of the game since I started planning over a year in advanced, but I guess not for her. Ahhhhhhhhh!!! I am just a little frustrated right now. Plus I keep having nightmares that we get to Mexico and they are like “What wedding?!?” Ok enough venting for now.

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